Sunday, December 12, 2010

Old Man Winter is calling but don't answer!

There is a blizzard in Chicago today. I've been watching it from the comfort of my couch for the past four hours. This got me thinking....

When most Chicagoan's are faced with Old Man Winter, they become no better than their local sleepy, impossible to see at the zoo, hibernating bear. This is why, come late September, single Chicagoan's start to feel a bit anxious. The nesting season (of approximately five long months) is upon us and well we feel sad at the possibility of a winter of alone-ness. We MUST find another single person to join us in our winter wonder lands a.k.a warm and comfortable apartments and we MUST find them soon! I'm oh too familiar with this anxious feeling. Right around this time of year, I re-activate my match profile, I start the intensely focused cruising for attractive single men at every event I attend, I buy stunning dresses to wear to holiday parties and...I start screening my phone calls.

That's right, I screen my calls! This wintery season, I have already received three out of the blue phone calls from men I've dated at different times and for different lengths within the past two years. Tis the season to be.....called randomly! Turns out, single men, just like single women are hopeful they will meet someone to help them get though the Chicago wintery blues. When that doesn't happen, both in men and in women, a desperation surfaces that impulsively causes improper usage of the cell phone contact list. Ex's of seasons past call, call, call each other until one call leads to another and they are once again seeing, hooking up or going to crappy holiday parties with people they rightfully dumped or admit it, rightfully dumped them.

Question: Why? Why? Why?
Answer: We are human. We are cold. We are alone.

Word from the a not always wise but definitely a happy, still single (but not void of this anxiousness) Chicago winter survivor! Don't be lazy and answer or make those calls to or from the ex's! Get off your butts, face the cold, walk yourself to a bar, party or event and try to meet someone else who also isn't settling for less. The reward will be so much better!

Happy Holiday Season!

My friends and I out on a cold snowy night! We did it!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Liked your 12-12 blog...